We believe in a simple and genuine vision when it comes to our work: serve our patients with care and compassion while providing professional, quality prosthetic limbs, orthotics, and diabetic/orthopedic footwear. Our goal is to provide each patient we see with a prosthesis or orthosis that feels as natural and real as possible. Our patients speak about our care, compassion and professionalism below.

“If you can look up you can get up!”   Lindsay.

“If you can look up you can get up!” Lindsay.

An Amazing Survivor: Lindsay

Trapped in the wreckage of a car for 5 days, this remarkable young lady found the courage to survive- losing both her legs, but keeping her life.

Her incredible story of unbeatable positive attitude and love for life leaves a positive change in the lives of all who hear it.

Lindsay is a proud mother and wife, who lives in Pleasanton and can be seen routinely out and about in town. She walks more than most able bodied people and instructs yoga. She is a full-time student that leads a productive life and inspires those lucky enough to meet her.

“If you can look up you can get up!” Lindsay.

Wounded Warrior and Tough Mudder Manny

Wounded Warrior and Tough Mudder Manny

Wounded Warrior & Tough Mudder Manny

Manny lost his leg below the knee while serving his country while on military duty. Manny is proudly part of the wounded warrior program and participates with his team at “Tough Mudder”. Pictured.

Manny also loves to play softball and is general up and about all day. For his main prosthesis, Manny was recently fit with the BIOM ankle, one of the first bionic ankles to provide a push with each step. “Thank you, to my friends at Diablo Prosthetics, I know you care.” M.

“Thank you, to my friends at Diablo Prosthetics, I know you care.” M.

Determination and Persistence: Ali Jannah Walks Again

Kyle Sullivan has worked with Ali to recover and walk again after a serious injury. Here’s the story in his own words:

In June 2013 as a result of a motor vehicle accident I suffered a t12 incomplete spinal cord injury. The injury left me being wheel chair bound. Determined to walk again I started physical therapy. My physical therapist determined that therapy alone was not going to be enough to get me up and walking. We met with Kyle from Diablo P and O. They worked with my insurance to get the most appropriate orthotics to aide in getting me up and moving again. We started with a device that went from my waist to my feet. With a lot of hard work in therapy as well as constant tweaking to my braces I am able to walk laps around my house with just a walker and long leg braces. I really appreciate all of the hard work the Diablo put into keeping me mobile. I hope to continue to get stronger, and as I do, work with Kyle to reduce my bracing needs.

Chris has turned misfortune into a career of helping others

Chris has turned misfortune into a career of helping others

Personal Experience Leads to a Career Helping Others

Chris lost his leg below the knee in a motorcycle accident over ten years ago. Rather than let this terrible misfortune direct his life, Chris took control and decided to use his personal experience to help others. Chris enrolled at Spokane Falls College to obtain an associate degree in applied science. Chris is now an ABC certified prosthetic technician and fabricates prosthetic limbs and orthopedic devices for our patients.

‘Nothing is more satisfying than to be part of helping someone, I never get over watching someone leave their wheelchair behind when they start using their prosthesis for the first time”.- C.E.

Touch Bionics i-LIMB Hand: Richard Sire

Richard Sire of Diablo P&O in Pleasanton California says of Keiron McKammon that he engages in a lot of activities (playing guitar, golf, yoga, key-board). In a short time, he was capable of operating his i-LIMB Hand in different positions, speeds and grip forces.